Gemstone Library: Moonstone

This entry was posted on May 17 2019 by Kelly Rice

Welcome to the first installment of our Gemstone Library series. In this series, we will give you information about the gemstones our team of artisans and designers work with to create unique pieces of jewelry.


Color(s) – White, Colorless, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Pink, Purple, Gray
Mohs Scale (Hardness) – 6 to 6.5
Refractive Index – 1.518 to 1.526
Transparency – Transparent to translucent
Luster – Pearly
Cleavage – 2,1 (basal); 2,1 (prismatic); 3,1 (pinacoidal)

Gemstone Overview

Moonstone is aptly named for its unique sheen and glowing color variations, reminiscent of the moon in the night’s sky. Moonstone is a member of the feldspar group, which are aluminum silicates containing potassium, sodium, and/or calcium.

Minerals in the feldspar group are the most common minerals on Earth. Moonstone’s glowing bluish-white aura is scientifically known as adularescence. Adularescence is caused by abnormalities in the structure of the mineral or a build up of water within the mineral.

Moonstone has been used in jewelry since ancient times. The Romans believed the stone was created from frozen rays of the moon. It’s a popular stone in jewelry due to its abundant availability and affordability.

Moonstone is mined from many countries including Armenia, Australia, Austria, India, Madagascar Mexico, Myanmar, Norway, Poland, Sri Lanka and even the United States.

Moonstone can be found in a variety of translucency and colors. The most desired varieties of moonstone and those with blue adularescence, as well as stones with greater transparency. Moonstone is one of the birthstones for the month of June - one of just two months to have three birthstones.

History Highlight: Moonstone is the official gemstone of Florida. So declared in 1970 in recognition of the 1969 Apollo 11 moon landings which took off from Kennedy Space Center in Merrit Island, Florida. Despite the designation of official state gemstone, moonstone does not naturally occur in Florida.

Notes on Care & Maintenance

Care should be taken when wearing moonstone pieces. The stone is sensitive to pressure and may easily crack or chip.

Moonstone should not be stored with harder gemstones to prevent scratching.

When cleaning gemstone jewelry, follow these simple rules:

  • Use a clean, dry, lint-free cloth.  Microfiber cloths are especially good.
  • If detergent or water is required, use a diluted mix to avoid soap residue.
  • Use a soft bristled toothbrush to clear away grime or dirt from settings.
  • Do not soak gemstones.  Some stones are porous and soaking them could cause them to discolor or worse.

Spiritual Properties

Moonstone is known as a stone for fresh beginnings. It can assist one with inner growth and strength. It is known to soothe emotional distress and instability. Moonstone is thought to bring one success in not only love, but also business matters. Some believe that the stone may aid the digestive system and balance hormone cycles. Due to that, it is commonly used to aid one with premenstrual syndrome, fertility, pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding.


Cat’s Eye Moonstone - Stones which exhibit chatoyancy or a “cat’s eye” effect. Such stones will have a narrow band of light that reflects across the center of the mineral.

Rainbow Moonstone - Stones that exhibit a blue sheen. Sometimes this term is also used to describe labradorite, another feldspar group gemstone.

Star Moonstone - Stones which exhibit asterism, a starlike reflection.

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