Opal Bracelets – The Perfect Look for Everything From Bohemian Basics to Fashion Forward

This entry was posted on August 30 2016 by Kelly Rice

Opals are one of the most versatile gemstones in the world.  They have a dynamic, multi-faceted appeal and a rich, complex beauty that makes them the perfect choice for a variety of people.  Opal bracelets, rings and other jewelry have been loved by the famous and the infamous for centuries.  Marc Antony sought out the biggest opal he could find – offering its owner several times its value and eventually banishing the man, exiling him from the city, though the man escaped with his opal intact.  What drop Marc Antony to such lengths for a gemstone?  The size and brilliance of the opal he wanted was meant to be a gift for the love of his life, the infamous Cleopatra.

images1Today, our love affair with opals shows no signs of letting up.  This magnificent gemstone remains popular with people from every walk of life.  Modern celebrities like Pink, Rhianna and Taylor Swift join Hollywood royalty like Elizabeth Taylor and Elvis demonstrate the universal appeal and enduring beauty of opals.  What fuels this fascination?  What makes the opal so universally appealing and timelessly beautiful without becoming boring or common?

It begins, simply enough, with the way opals are formed.  Opals are created when water interacts with silicon dioxide.  Water runs through the earth and picks up traces of this naturally sparkling silica from the surrounding sandstone.  The silica rich solution passes through other layers of rock and sediment, picking up traces of different elements along the way.  Finally, it settles into voids created by a variety of natural faults and, over time, the process is repeated and an opal is formed.  This multi-layered process results in gemstones that are unique in their depth of color and ability to sparkle.

But the origin of opals is only half the story.  How the stones are then mined, polished and set simply add to and enhance the natural beauty of these gemstones.  We work tirelessly to create settings and use the best materials to create opal bracelets that are versatile enough to be used for everyday wear or special wedding jewelry without compromising elegance or beauty.  We combine a comprehensive understanding of opals with talented artists to create stunning pieces of opal jewelry that are as versatile as they are breathtaking.

OP52 synthetic_opal_beadsA simple blue green opal bracelet can be worn as a single delicate piece or paired with opal bangles and other jewelry to make a bigger statement.  The mix of colors in the stones themselves make them easy to pair with just about anything.  As a result, opal jewelry quickly becomes the best investment people can make in their own jewelry collection.  Our collection of opal bracelets offer a simple foundation for layered looks as well as beautiful stand alone pieces that compliment every style.



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