4 Amazing Benefits of Having a Good Jewelry Collection

This entry was posted on April 17 2020 by Kelly Rice

Many people develop a jewelry collection without giving it much thought. Necklaces, rings and bracelets you receive or pick up at various points in your life get thrown into a box and before you know it, you've got a collection.

As you grow up, however, a slapdash collection doesn't always make the grade. Even if you aren't especially into fashion or you haven't given your accessories much thought before, a quality collection can make a huge difference.

Expand Your Overall Wardrobe

Believe it or not, you can change the way an entire outfit looks simply by changing up the jewelry you use. A simple dress can go from elegant to boho by swapping a strand of pearls for layered necklaces and bangles. Even an everyday outfit such as a concert t-shirt with jeans can be elevated with accents provided by rings, necklaces and bracelets.

When you have a robust and versatile jewelry collection, it does more than simply support your clothing wardrobe. A well stocked and carefully curated jewelry collection can actually expand your wardrobe since it makes everything more versatile.

Keep History Alive

One of the most common ways we develop a starter jewelry collection is through receiving gifts or being given family heirloom pieces. Even a small necklace or ring a parent, sibling or friends gave you (either new or as a hand-me-down) can quickly become a favorite piece of jewelry.

When we wear pieces that remind us of a certain person or time in our life, we revive those stories, those people, those memories. Many times, these pieces of jewelry become conversation starters and ways for each of us to share our personal and family history.

Show Off Your Personality

There's no denying that we all use our sense of style to show the world who we are. Whether that means finding the best vintage clothes and retro accessories or dying your hair a bold color and embracing your truly wild side, your personal style is just that: Personal.

Jewelry can play a critical role is showing off your personality and passion. It can also be used to tell your personal story. The basic ribbon shape, for example, is associated with a number of different meanings, depending on the color.

Religious symbols, mythical icons and even your favorite company logo can all be incorporated into a piece of jewelry so that it reflects your own unique view of the world or let others know about the causes you're passionate about.

An Investment in Yourself

Ultimately, the biggest benefit to building a jewelry collection is that it truly is an investment in yourself. No matter what your personal style, there are pieces of jewelry that can compliment and elevate your look.

Your collection doesn't need to be huge. A solid foundation, a few statement pieces and any sentimental pieces of jewelry are more than enough to let you express yourself, connect with your past and step out into the world with confidence.

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