Opals in the Marketplace - Their Reputation and the Reality

This entry was posted on September 3 2014 by Trent

For a long time opals were seen as a classic gemstone, but hey didn't exactly make waves.  In fact, some saw them as having a bad reputation since they are often seen as being difficult to clean and maintain.  But the reputation of opals gemstone has actually gone upwards in the past few years for a number of reasons.

As far as the rare natural opals are concerned, the prices of these amazing natural beauties has been increasing every now and then.  Although the opal jewelry market is continuously being threatened by the ever increasing synthetic or lab opal, this threat has never touched the need for natural opal according to researchers. So what are these factors that have affected positively the reputation of opal in the market?

First the awareness of the boulder opal or any other opal gemstone has been brought around by the internet. Being a global network than can be accessed by billions even through their phones, the continuous marketing of opal jewelry online has raised curiosity of a large population, resulting to the purchase of these amazing natural opals in form of jewelry. The online jewelry stores have also gone up in number, competing for clients even on social Medias like the face book and twitter. This has also raised the reputation of opal jewelry in the market in a very encouraging way.

content_1349646142Secondly, the tabloids, movies and digital television has also brought a positive reputation for Australian opals when the sporting stars, fashion shows, and movie stars are seen wearing the beautiful opal jewelry. The movie stars for example bring so much admiration from those watching them that this results into them buying the opal jewelry just to look like their popular stars. It may be an Ethiopian opal jewelry or opal Australia one, whichever opal gemstone is brings the attraction that has greatly affected the reputation of their market. Tabloids and magazines on the other hand most often have nice looking pictures of beauty queens and a king looking good in opal gemstone jewelry and this again like in the movies bring admiration and is actually an indirect marketing for the natural opal jewelry.

The third factor that has affected the reputation of opal in the market is believes held concerning the natural opal. Being an October birthstone, it has become a very good present to offer to someone celebrating their birthday, especially those who were born during the month. You can imagine the number of people born in this month who are aware of the opal’s function as a birthstone. They are not few indeed, and the opal jewelry market goes a notch higher during this month with people buying each other all forms of opal jewelry from earrings to bracelets and rings.

Lastly, opal is believed to be a healing stone among a good part of the population and some folks purchase this natural stone for this purpose. The diseases range from eye disorders to depressions. Others adorn the Ethiopian opal for the purpose of having good luck as far as business is concerned. It’s believed by this quarter that having opal jewelry before a major business deal brings luck on their side making the deal goes their way. Whichever the reason people have for buying the opal gemstone jewelry, the fact remains that the reputation of the natural stone has grown tremendously.



1 Comment

  1. Andy
    Ever since I was 5 years of age and a standing extra in the movie "Fire in the Stone"
    I've been gripped by opal fever.
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